Date(s) - February 26, 2018
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Central Boston Elder Services, across from Bruce Bolling Building
Having a hard time understanding credit and how it affects you? Would you like to learn how to improve your credit score? This free workshop will discuss the basics of reading a credit report and explain the credit score and scoring models. As part of the Boston Builds Credit, we want you to understand (1) why credit is important, (2) that you don’t have to be rich to have good credit but you need to understand how the system works, and (3) there are free resources right in your neighborhood, such as the coaching here at the Roxbury Center to help you build your credit.
Following this event, staff and volunteers will be available to pull credit scores without charge and review credit reports with any interested participant. Free parking is available at the nearby Blair lot or on the street. Event is located across the street from the Dudley MBTA station.
Sign up here at freecreditbuildingworkshop.eventbrite.com