OFE’s Asset Building Specialist has researched and designed a Retirement Planning pathway for Boston residents that can be accessed through workshops, an email information series, and brochures highlighting Retirement planning options.
Many recent studies show that most Americans are not prepared for retirement. In fact, when all working age individuals are included, not just those with some retirement savings, the median savings amount is $0. That is not a typo! By any measure, three-quarters of Americans fall short of even conservative savings targets. What does this mean for you?
The OFE and Boston Tax Help Coalition recognize that saving is difficult for many of our clients for several reasons. Sometimes, it is not merely lack of funds, as even small deposits grow over time, but rather a tug of war between dealing with the urgent needs of the present and planning for the future.
We want to reach out to those in a position to start a savings plan and inform them of the best options for Retirement Savings in particular.
Workshops are planned for March and April which will include a Retirement Planning presentation, expert speakers, hands-on assistance with account openings, and a “How-to” create a personal retirement plan. A six-week email series will be available on request in April.

We hope you will attend! Please email Joanne.Evans@boston.gov or keep an eye on the RCFE Calendar page for dates.