The Boston Tax Help Coalition was thrilled to host WCVB-Channel 5 recently when anchor Doug Meehan visited our Roxbury headquarters to see how Volunteer Income Tax Preparation (VITA) really works. Although our operation is slightly different this year due to the pandemic, we welcomed Doug and his cameraman, Tim, recently and they were able to meet staff and volunteers. Most importantly, Doug was able to sit down with one of our residents who has benefitted from free tax preparation. Ketsy is a financial coaching client who has been working with our bilingual coach, Jose Ramirez. She spoke with Doug about the value of getting her taxes done for free and the credit building assistance she has received from the Roxbury Center for Financial Empowerment. Click here to watch Doug’s interview wth Ketsy.

Don’t forget, taxes must be filed by April 19th this year! Click here for the list of tax sites and don’t delay!